Thursday, March 8, 2012

Changes Changes

Last September Derrick and I sat down to decide if we would continue on with Why The Woods or call it quits. We both felt that we had started a good work in Wadupe and that our method of development was innovative and unique. We felt like it would be a disservice to Wadupe and to you guys if we simply walked away from it. So we decided to continue on. We wanted to take our work to the next level. But, as we sat at a table looking over my scribbled notebook of ideas, which held valuable information about the future and past of Why The Woods, we realized my sticky-note organization skills just don't cut it anymore. We needed help.

Welcome Ashleigh Stroot. The day prior to my and Derrick's meeting a lady I have known for a few years randomly approached me at a coffee shop to ask about my work in Sudan. She had followed us for a while and wanted to know what we were up to. After talking a while she informed me that she is getting a master's degree in non-profit management and was looking for a small local non-profit to help. Bingo.

Now: our group has grown from three(Derrick, Katie, and Me) to four; we have revamped the mission statement, vision statement, and our entire organization. Katie has decided to turn over the treasurer role to our newest board member Kristin Trivette. A huge thanks to Katie for humbly serving us since the beginning...and keeping me out of trouble. Derrick, Ashleigh, Kristin, and I are working each week to revamp Why The Woods, better organize our efforts and help grow the organization. Basically we are putting all my sticky-notes, napkin pieces, and scrap papers of wild imagination into legible writing and storing it all neatly on Ashleigh's computer. It's a lot of fun.

Now for the biggest change....we are changing the name. So sad, but the time of Why The What? What the Woods? Wine to Woods? etc. has come to an end. We have a few options we are throwing around and hope to launch the new name/website before I leave the country on the 18th. Wish us luck.

Another big change...we are relocating from Mocksville to Boone. I am looking at office space soon and we are currently changing the address. Pray for us as we go through a lot of legalities and paperwork. Stay tuned for a Wadupe update and the upcoming newness. We are excited that this simmering vision will soon begin to grow.

GOD is Greater


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