Tuesday, October 9, 2007


well i finally have my assignment and location. i am moving to the sub-base i was hoping (isn't God so good), which is close enough that i can come back to town on the weekends and use the internet. i can't wait to get out into the field and start working with these wonderful people again. my job has a little more responsibility with it this trip as i have graduated from an intern to the head of operations at my base. i know that title may sound big, but really it's just me and another guy mobilizing our area, and my job is to make sure we get enough churches ready for construction by the time the construction crew comes in. so im not really in charge of a lot, but responsible for a little more. if you guys email me, give me a week or so to reply because i don't have internet out there, so all my blog work and emailing will done on the weekends. so you can start looking for more posts on saturdays or sundays. a big thank you to everyone who wished my 22nd year a happy one. i spent sunday celebrating with the other guys at a new sudanese "restaurant" in town. this one was a little nicer than previous experiences. it at least had a concrete floor. we had chicken, roasted goat, chips(fries), salad, and of course rice and beans. one of the ladies had gone into town and gotten some cake mix, so we even had birthday cake. i guess it's pretty cool i can say that i celebrated my 22nd birthday on a different continent. well, anyways, pray for the churches i am going to meet these next few weeks and the upcoming months, and as always the children of sudan. if any of you are wondering, i am going out to wadupe this saturday or sunday. last sunday got rained out.


Tracey said...


I am so glad for you about your assignment. GOD IS GOOD!
I would love to see the faces of the Wadupe people when you return to the village! We all may not be able to travel to AFRICA,(Joy, did I spell it correct? LOL). But through your eyes we can see God working.

Jen T. said...

here's you a big "amen" to getting the assignment you had wanted.
...all things work together for good to them that love God...
Be safe!

John and Tracey said...

Billy, John and I are reading your blog weekly. Just for kicks I submitted your story to customer service at MagLight. You never know, they might make you a star :) Also, when I googled Wadupe to get some more information about the area, your blog was at the top of this list. Pretty cool, don't you think? You may reach more than those in Africa. We look forward to more updates.

Joy said...

so when MagLight calls you to write a new commercial for them, you think i could be the voice over??

lynn said...

I can just see your smile when you got your assignment. Can I write the mag lite script? LOL Did the Wadupe people have your chair waiting on you?